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Grant/Contract Awarded


Once a research proposal has been funded, the Researcher must ensure that HRS/ROADS/MILO are aware of the terms, conditions and amount of the award.


When a research grant is awarded, the department will ensure that mechanisms are in place to allow the research to be carried out. This includes personnel issues, space requirements, and administration assistance that the department will provide to the researcher. The department can also help the researcher set up various automatic monthly charges for University services, such as photocopying, telephone, laundry and animal quarters.


For those with successful applications, HRS, ROADS and MILO will help the researcher and department establish necessary support mechanisms (ethics, space etc.) for the grant. If the research involves a formal agreement, HRS, ROADS and MILO will ensure that the researcher and department understand and abide by all terms of the agreement.

In order to activate an account, the relevant office; HRS, ROADS or MILO will ensure that the award notice is forwarded to Research Finance, complete with terms of the award, and information such as the account signing authorities.

Funds designated for new research projects should not be deposited into accounts set up for previously existing projects. Accounts are audited by external agencies and mixing funds and expenses of different projects is not allowed. HRS, ROADS and MILO staff can advise on the appropriate practice.

Research Finance

Once Research Finances receives the award letter and request for account form an award notice will be generated and sent to the Principal Investigator. The award notice gives the researcher important grant information, such as start and end dates, grant name, budget categories, and budget amounts.

A new research account must be established for each new project. Mixing different project funds and related expenses is not permitted. Peer-reviewed grants, which require financial reports to the granting agency, must be in separate accounts.

Research Finance will enter the budget (where available) on the Financial Accounting System. Budgets help the researcher track spending and help Research Finance ensure that funds are being spent in accordance with agency guidelines. Often, grants from private agencies do not have specified budgets, but it is strongly recommended that researchers develop a budget, to help in the financial management of the account.

Research Finance will not set up a new research account without written confirmation of funding from the agency, and in most cases, specified terms of how and when funds will be received. This is particularly important for non peer-reviewed accounts to ensure the stability of the funding.